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It is a branch of the dentistry that deals with endodontic therapy – the space all inside the dental element containing the tooth pulp (nerve).
Endodontic therapy is performed when a lesion (caries, traumatic) determines an irreversible alteration of the tissue pulp leading to necrosis. It is possible to use this method whenever the dental element must be involved in prosthetic rehabilitation that, due to the notable reduction of dental tissue, it would determine an irreversible pulp alteration (pulp necrosis due to iatrogene treatment).
Classical endodontic therapy itself aims to resolve pathologies of the nerve or the pain pulp origins, with non-surgical therapy. It is performed in different phases: access to the pulp chamber shaping with manual or mechanical endodontic tools, abstersion of the canal root three-dimensional sealing of all canal structures through thermoplastic rubber (Guttaperca) radiographic check-up



Endodontic surgery

It aims to resolve periradicular pathologies (cists, granulomas) when the classical therapy has not given results. It is performed through a microsurgery operation removing part of the apex root and in this way removing the granuloma.