AVVISO AI PAZIENTI: Lo Studio riceve solo previo appuntamento telefonico e in completa sicurezza.
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Malocclusions, incongruous dental care, pathologies of various natures of the craniomandibular joints are very often the cause of frequent disturbances such as cervical vertebrae pain, headaches, tinnitus, hypacusis and lumbar pain.
Even stress tensions cause involuntarily grinding of teeth that can disgorge in time to real pathologies of the temporal joints.
All these situations determine a reaction of compensation in our organism with the insurgence of excessive muscular contraction with pain and therefore headaches and vertebral pains.


In the diagnosis and in the treatment of the pathologies of the temporal joints jawbone we use the Arcus Digma.
It is a device for the functional analysis of the joints with which one measures the mandible movements in the upper jaw. The computer shows the left-right condyle movements in at the same time in the form of a cinematic axis, one can obtain indications on the limitation of the uncoordinated or hypermobility movements and diagnose the possible cause at the arthrogenous, myogenic and occlusal levels. The numeric data obtained by the computer is transported to a Protar articulator, therefore reproducing faithfully the dynamic of the movement of the patient. From this analysis, we are able to identify the malocclusion of the patient and design a plan of best treatment.
We can therefore choose a new therapeutic position of the jaw and produce a bite of high precision to correct the defects found.

