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Parodontology is the branch of the dentistry that deals with periodontal illness; currently this is the cause principal of the teeth problems even in young patients.

It is an inflammatory illness provoked by microorganisms coming by the plaque bacteria and hits the periodontium that is, the entirety of the structures that surround the tooth and maintain it solidly attached all bone. If it is not cared for, the infection proceeds in depth, the gum itself loosens from the tooth creating of pockets in which bacteria accumulate and here produce of the toxin that leads to reabsorbing the support bone of the dente until creating a mobility and successive loss.

This illness is strictly connected to lifestyle: quality of the hygiene oral and smoking.

It is aggravated in the diabetic patients

An international study has demonstrated that patients affected by periodontal illness are at a greater risk of pathologies of the heart (coronary) in the women there is a greater percentage of premature birth.

We perform the diagnosis of periodontal illness with:

  • Periodontal probe that is performed through a graphic probe that us allows to see the depth of gum detachment, the presence of bleeding and pus (infection), the calibration and cause such as caries under the gum and restorations badly performed that lead to a greater accumulation of bacteria plaque
  • Dental mobility exam
  • Intraoral radiographic exam to evaluate the entity of bone loss
  • IAI Padotest 4.5 i.e. a bimolecular test that allows us to identify the four principal bacteria types that cause periodontal illness.
Cartella paradontale

Periodontal chart

All the data is collected in a PERIODONTAL CHART until it can be used for a correct treatment plan and compared to therapy aimed at evaluating its efficacy.